About ICG Universe
The iCG Universe is all about YOU because YOU are amazing… Perhaps you’ve been told “NO” a few times… hit a few bumps… doubted yourself… had some setbacks… BUT, you know what? You did it. You ARE doing it. You are amazing – You are an iCGion!!!
In the iCG (iCrushGoals) Universe, iCGions are crushing their goals and celebrated – NONSTOP!! The continuous creation of small AND/OR micro wins are encouraged as they lead to GRAND/EPIC goal attainment ~ they lead to things that look like magic ~ as if one is riding air. We celebrate often and connect these individuals to others doing the same.
#WeRideAir to #lmpactTheWorld #iCrushGoals
A Message from the Founder
To each of you… in love.
I’m so proud of you for journeying on towards your enhanced versions of self.
Creating & celebrating small wins and/or micro wins along the way.
Creating & celebrating the becoming of your most AMAZING self – the YOU already there.
Some call those stroked ‘gifts’ superpowers.
But truly, they’re just the parts ‘hidden’ from the world or even self…
Probably for too long.
Waiting for you.
Now being revealed or activated by you…
Slowly or quickly, as you find your rhythm.
As you create your song with your drum beats.
Journey on to your grandest self.
#SmallWinsCount #TheyLeadToEpicWins #WeRideAir #iCrushGoals #iCGionsUnite
Contact ICG Universe